
Narva Kasside SOS MTÜ



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Our warehouse

Animal shelter

Narva Kasside SOS MTÜ


Eesti, Narva

Toeta projekti Animalslife.NET

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Osta meie juurest


We need your help

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Narva Kasside SOS MTÜ on mittetulunduslik organisatsioon. Meie põhiline tegevus on suunatud kodutute ja hüljatud kasside päästmisele. Meie ei saa toetust riigilt ega kohalikult omavalitsuselt ja ühendus põhineb eraisikute annetustel. Meil ei ole ka palgalisi töötajaid, kõik meie vabatahtlukud teevad varjupaigas tööd oma vabal ajal tasuta oma põhitööde, laste ja perekondade kõrval. Meie missiooniks ei ole just tänavatelt kasside päästmine vaid aktiivne tegevus vastutustudliku loomapidamise propagandeerimisel.

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Product E-post

Small Package

N****[email protected]

Varjupaigale vajalikud tooted

Cat toy set with balls and mice (12) (qty)

An extra large toy set for playful cats: 12 fun toys, with bells, rattles or soft plush – perfect for hours of fun with your cat.


Trixie Cats cheese corner (36x19x31) (qty)

A cheese corner Trixie cat toy – complete with mouse dangler and 3 balls will give your cat hours of pouncing and playing fun! Your cat will never again think of sharpening her claws on your furniture.


Biolagunev kassiliiv (10l)

Made from 100% natural wood the litter is biodegradable, making it friendly on the environment and can be put in any suitable compost bin after all faeces have been removed.


Large Package 10kg+14l

10 kg dry food for cats with chicken, tuna or salmon + 14 L of 100% natural clumping cat litter made from maize with very efficient odour binding and a lavender scent. 99% dust-free, economical and fast clumping


Small Package 400g+6*70g+1pc

400 g dry food rich in salmon and chicken + 6 cans of natural wet food for adult cats with at least 70% fresh meat and fish in food quality, high nutrient profile, without gluten and artificial additives, many tasty flavors + one mouse toy
