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In the 4th of October another World Animal Day was celebrated. It is a chance to promote animal protection once again, reminding the world about the issues animals are suffering from all around the world. It is time to put on the table matters such as animal welfare, abandonment and neglect, abuse, puppy mills, hunting, blood sports, wild animals suffering, slaughter, scientific experiments with animals, local beliefs or traditions that
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Whether you’re getting your first or your fifteenth cat, chances are you already know you’re in for a special bond with your new family member. You’ve made the decision to get a cat, you might know which cat you’re getting, and you may even have a name picked out. Now what? While owning a cat is very fulfilling, it can be very confusing. Here’s a guide to help you take
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Rescue organizations all over the world do their best to care for the abandoned, abused and neglected animals that find their way to the shelter doors. Some of these pets have been through traumatic situations both physically and mentally, so it’s up to the caring and dedicated staff members to help these poor souls regain their health and their trust. However, with soaring pet populations, many rescue organizations are
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We may have been raised with pets. But being exposed to them at a young age and being responsible for their health and happiness are two entirely different matters. If you are thinking about getting a cat or dog companion and may be new to the realm of pet parenting, then check out these common mistakes new pet parents make. You won’t be sorry. Contents Mistakes New Pet Dog
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Have you ever thought about adopting a cat or a dog? If yes, do you know what you need to do? If not, we invite you to learn from the great experience of Nikko Shaw on what to do and what not to do when adopting a pet. Contents WHY YOU SHOULD ADOPT A PET The sound of meows filled the air as I wandered down the hallways. I had
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Those of us who choose to enrich our lives with a pet will usually stop at nothing to give them a safe, happy, healthy life. Yet one of the most fundamental processes for doing that – spaying and neutering – is still too often overlooked by pet owners. It is a topic that seems to get frequent and glaring attention. But until we are able to alleviate the tragedy of
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