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Dear friends! Animals Life NET team invites you to participate in a charity campaign aimed at providing support to the Animal Protection Society “Ķepu-ķepā”, Latvia. Together we can help the abandoned animals and give them care and warmth before the holidays. At the “Ķepu-ķepā” live an unusual variety of animals: dogs, cats, horses, goats, rabbits, cows, chicken and others. There is always a need for help, however the most needed
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Today was a responsible day for Animals Life NET: our team congratulated two latvian shelters – “Ulubele” and “Labās mājas” with World Animal Month. Thanks for the warm welcome! 🐕🐈💛 Learn more about the event here: http://animalslife.net/news/animals-life-net-is-celebrating-animal-month/ Animals Life NET team visiting “Ulubele” and “Labās mājas” was last modified: November 3rd, 2017 by Sofya
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On October 31, the festive action “World Animal Month”, announced at the beginning of the month, was successfully concluded. Almost all shelters – participants of the Animalslife.NET project have received the gifts and joyed their inhabitants. The last purchases still on the way and will be delivered to the lucky feed and toys owners very soon. Animalslife.NET team thanks all not indifferent participants who shared with the homeless animals, living
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(Updated post) In celebration of World Animals Day Month we decided to present a gift to each shelter participating in Animals Life NET project. Here we gathered the photos of what our first addressees got from us: We are very grateful to those, who participated (or continue to participate) in our Charitable Event dedicated to Wolrd Animal Day. Inhabitants of the Malyi Bird Rescue (Hungary) got their gift on 08.10. See yourself: On
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“NOAH’S ARK” DOG SANCTUARY received a new products delivery! We are happy to know one more Animalslife.net project’s member got a new dog feed delivery. You also can buy food for the dog sanctuary here as well! Just check the live stream on the “NOAH’S ARK” DOG SANCTUARY home page and find the products necessary for the shelter: the purchased food will be later delivered to the sanctuary. Tell your friends about the
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New delivery for the Kitten Foster home in Riga brought some food and toys for its inhabitants. This small foster home, located in Riga, Latvia is the one of a lot of private foster homes for homeless kittens, abandoned at the streets. Foster family takes care of the animals until they find permanent ones. To grow up healthy and strong kittens need to eat well and regularly. Foster parents care about the
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The shelter for homeless animals “Penkta Koja” got a new feed and accesorize delivery. Thanks to all AnimalsLife.NET project friends! Together we made the shelter’s inhabitants life better and will go on to help and support them Do not be indifferent and participate in our project! “PENKTA KOJA” SHELTER’S animals are happy to get a new goods delivery was last modified: August 14th, 2017 by admin
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Happy “MÁLYI” BIRD RESCUE STATION wingy inhabitants are ready to get the new product delivery from Animals LIFE NET. Different kind of bird food and Kennel disinfectants are the products the Rescue Station needs always. Bird rescue station can fetch and help injured individuals in within a radius of 40-50 km from the center of the city. Like many other wildlife conservation organizations in the world, “Mályi” shows how important it
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Animals Life NET is happy to announce that thanks to the MM designer ( My Super Pet) it is now possible to get products with Animals Life NET logotype. These products include useful and stylish accessories for dogs and family. These items, whether it be a fashionable bag or comfortable pet bed, can become a great gift. Furthermore, you can make these accessories personalized by adding the name of your
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The biggest Estonian animal cat shelter “Pesaleidija” received a new pet food delivered by Animalslife.NET team. Our target – HELP providing for all our project animals shelters and every small step has a HUGE value for the each shelter inhabitant. Do not miss the chance to make a kind act and participate in our project! The organization moves forward only thanks to the devotion, passion and love for animals of the
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Thanks to our support team “Ulubele” shelter, located in Latvia, got the new food delivery for the shelter pets. The shelter is always in the center of attention from volunteers, animals’ rights activists and pet lovers. However, it does not mean they don’t need help: the shelter is always in need of animal food and other products that can be bought right here on Animals Life NET! Look at the
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Recent food delivery for “Animalia’s Cat Sanctuary” in Macedonia. Happy cats investigated all the products and estimated that taste and quality. Thanks for everyone who is participating in our Animalslife.NET project and take care about “Animalia’s Cat Sanctuary” . It is extremely difficult to sustain the proper organization and shelter without much public support in the country. They need our help. Check the list of the products on the “Animalia’s Cat Sanctuary” home
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