Bottyan Equus Hungaria foundation

Bottyan Equus Hungaria foundation

Hungary, Őrbottyán
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Bottyan Equus Hungaria is a family-owned foundation which was officially registered in 2001. It is the only shelter in Hungary specialized in rescuing old, abused and injured horses. Many dogs, cats and other domesticated animals also find a home in the shelter.
One of the main objectives of the shelter is to detect places where horses are kept under bad conditions endangering their health or even life.
The shelter strives to enlighten people and help them realize that animals can feel, suffer and love just like we, humans do.
Each person should learn how to keep and treat animals, get to know to their behavior, protect and take good care of them.
In addition to saving animals, organizing their rehabilitation and adoption, the main objective of the shelter is to teach children, youngsters and even adults to respect the nature and animals.
To fulfill the mission of the shelter, in addition to enthusiasm financial background has to be ensured too, which is especially difficult in case of such a small family, a non-profit organization.
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Among other plans, the shelter is planning to renew the wooden parts of horse pens and the old part of the stable, as well as to enlarge the dog kennels, which would be equally important for the welfare of the animals. Unfortunately, the realization of these plans has to be postponed every year due to the low budget of the shelter.